Musical Director

Julie Smith

Born in Wales and joining Sweet Adelines in Portsmouth England, Julie came to Canada with her family in 1994.  
Julie directed Purbrook Harmony Chorus in the UK and took over the directorship of City of Gardens in 1998.  
Honing her skills through the many educational opportunities offered within Sweet Adelines International, she has helped the chorus to many regional medals and to a Gold Medal in the 2014 International Competition in Baltimore where the chorus won the Harmony Class AA contest, becoming the best mid size chorus for that year. 
Julie has sung baritone and tenor in regional championship quartets Bold As Brass (1994) and Easy Street (2011, 2013 and 2014).  She received her Master Director status in 2009 when the chorus scored 600 at a regional competition.  
"Watching women grow musically and in confidence and ability is why I do this....oh and for the amazing sound that is produced when the chorus ring a chord and sing with joy" what keeps Julie coming back each week, along with the amazing support that this chorus gives to every member both within the chorus life and outside.  "You know that no matter what happens, the chorus has your back".
Copyright © 2025 Pacific Edge Chorus